Instructions for PowerPoint Download

If you have PowerPoint installed on your computer, you can download these slide shows and view them locally.

These presentations are protected by copyright law. They may be used without restriction for educational, non-commercial purposes, provided that they are not altered in any way; nor may any of the individual slides be extracted for other use without the permission of the author.

To download a file, simply click one of the links below. These are zip archives. They must be unzipped to a single folder. (If you move any files from the folder, PowerPoint may not be able to find them). WARNING! PowerPoint has a 128-character limit for a "filename". This, however, includes the directory path. If you unzip to a folder with a long pathname, you will see strange things like empty frames where a movie should be. Therefore, if audio or video seem to be missing, move the presentation folder closer to C: (or whatever your root directory is).

The directory of each zip archive will look something like this:

The first file in the unzipped folder should be the slide presentation, identifiable by the PowerPoint suffix (e.g., "[000]-histone structure.ppt"). Just click this to start the show.

The second and third files in the zip folder are transcripts of the audio, with a choice of either MS-Word or PDF format. These are for people who find my narration partly or wholly unintelliglble.

(If you don't have PowerPoint on your computer, you can view the show with the PowerPoint Viewer, which is included. Just double-click the batch file, which is named "[0]PwrPnt_not_installed.bat". NOTE: The PowerPoint Viewer has no slide strip, which makes navigation difficult. You can position yourself approximately by using the "Table of Contents" hyperlinks which you'll find on nearly every slide. You can also navigate directly to any slide if you know the slide number. Just type the number any time, and press .)

To download the zip archives, click one of the links below:

The Science and History of Topologically Non-Linked DNA

The Probable Structure of the Protamine-DNA Complex

Histone Structure: I. Current Concepts

Histone Structure: II. A model which places DNA in the N-terminal region of the octamer

Histone Structure: III. A possible new structure for chromosomes


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